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Big Eyes / Μεγάλα Μάτια

Ο Τιμ Μπάρτον επιστρέφει φέτος στην Οσκαρική κούρσα, τοποθετώντας σε πρώτο πλάνο τον δυο φορές βραβευμένο με Όσκαρ Κριστόφ Ουόλτς και την πέντε φορές προτεινόμενη για Όσκαρ Έιμι Άνταμς.

Η ταινία επικεντρώνεται στην αποκατάσταση της ιστορικής αλήθειας σε ένα σκάνδαλο μεγατόνων που συγκλόνισε την παγκόσμια καλλιτεχνική – και όχι μόνο – κοινότητα, πίσω στις δεκαετίες του 50’ και του 60’. Οι προβολείς του πολυβραβευμένου σκηνοθέτη αναδεικνύουν τη ζωή της επιτυχημένης ζωγράφου Μάργκαρετ Κιν η οποία έγινε διάσημη με τους πίνακες που αναπαριστούσαν γυναίκες και παιδιά με τεράστια λυπημένα μάτια και κατάφεραν να γίνουν μεγάλη εισπρακτική επιτυχία πίσω στην εποχή της. Η ακριβής ιστορία ήθελε τότε τους πίνακες να προέρχονται από τα καλλιτεχνικά χέρια του άνδρα της, Ουόλτερ Κιν, μέχρι που η μακροχρόνια δικαστική διαμάχη δικαίωσε την Μάργκαρετ, αποδίδοντάς της το σύνολο των χαρακτηριστικών επιτυχημένων έργων και την απάλλαξε από την εκμετάλλευση που τις ασκούσε ο αδίστακτος σύζυγός της.

Σκηνοθεσία: Τιμ Μπάρτον
Ηθοποιοί: Έιμι Άνταμς, Κριστόφ Ουόλτς, Τζέισον Σουόρτσμαν, Κρίστεν Ρίτερ, Τζον Πολίτο, Ντάνι Χιούστον

25 Δεκεμβρίου στους κινηματογράφους

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BIG EYES – Big Eyes/Big Lies Featurette – The Weinstein Company

Now Playing in Theaters

From the whimsical mind of director Tim Burton, BIG EYES tells the outrageous true story of one of the most epic art frauds in history. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, painter Walter Keane (Christoph Waltz) had reached success beyond belief, revolutionizing the commercialization of popular art with his enigmatic paintings of waifs with big eyes. The bizarre and shocking truth would eventually be discovered though: Walter’s works were actually not created by him at all, but by his wife Margaret (Amy Adams). The Keanes, it seemed, had been living a colossal lie that had fooled the entire world. A tale too incredible to be fiction, BIG EYES centers on Margaret’s awakening as an artist, the phenomenal success of her paintings, and her tumultuous relationship with her husband, who was catapulted to international fame while taking credit for her work.

Official site: http://bigeyesfilm.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BigEyesMovie
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bigeyesmovie

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BIG EYES – Lana Del Rey Big Eyes Interview – The Weinstein Company

Now Playing in Theaters

From the whimsical mind of director Tim Burton, BIG EYES tells the outrageous true story of one of the most epic art frauds in history. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, painter Walter Keane (Christoph Waltz) had reached success beyond belief, revolutionizing the commercialization of popular art with his enigmatic paintings of waifs with big eyes. The bizarre and shocking truth would eventually be discovered though: Walter’s works were actually not created by him at all, but by his wife Margaret (Amy Adams). The Keanes, it seemed, had been living a colossal lie that had fooled the entire world. A tale too incredible to be fiction, BIG EYES centers on Margaret’s awakening as an artist, the phenomenal success of her paintings, and her tumultuous relationship with her husband, who was catapulted to international fame while taking credit for her work.

Official site: http://bigeyesfilm.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BigEyesMovie
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bigeyesmovie

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‘Big Eyes’ — Lyric Video by Lana Del Rey — The Weinstein Company

Now Playing in Theaters

From the whimsical mind of director Tim Burton, BIG EYES tells the outrageous true story of one of the most epic art frauds in history. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, painter Walter Keane (Christoph Waltz) had reached success beyond belief, revolutionizing the commercialization of popular art with his enigmatic paintings of waifs with big eyes. The bizarre and shocking truth would eventually be discovered though: Walter’s works were actually not created by him at all, but by his wife Margaret (Amy Adams). The Keanes, it seemed, had been living a colossal lie that had fooled the entire world. A tale too incredible to be fiction, BIG EYES centers on Margaret’s awakening as an artist, the phenomenal success of her paintings, and her tumultuous relationship with her husband, who was catapulted to international fame while taking credit for her work.

Official site: http://bigeyesfilm.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BigEyesMovie
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bigeyesmovie

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